Learn about the Shincheonji and other Religious Movement

 People need to have their rights or freedom about their religion or belief. Which involves the freedom to change their religion. With the search for full development, meaning, and identity as members of a community. Whether you have a firm religion or belief, whether you are undecided. Or even do not care much for religion. These rights and freedom matter to the societies they build and to people.

In the entire religious history, many societal features have been placed. In the environment where a certain religion was practiced. And they are reflected in politics and culture. Many pieces of poetry, literature, art, and music. Ways of organizing life and dress codes have been drawn from religion. Religion has made a great mark on culture like the feasts, holy days. Also in Marriage ceremonies. They also wear religious symbols and dress codes that are strictly followed. When nations embrace a state of religion, the influence of religions becomes stronger. In this situation, religious arguments and religion may be confused. With political or social reasoning.

What is a New Religious Movement?

 New religious movement (NRM) is also called a “cult”. This term has been used to all new faiths that are rising worldwide. NRM’s are distinguished by various shared traits. They offer the latest religious responses to the conditions of the world. They are usually known as countercultural. They are accepted to be a substitute. To the mainstream religions of Western Society. They combine freely the practices and doctrines. From many sources within their system of belief.

The new movement is established usually by a charismatic. And a highly authoritarian leader. Thought to have exceptional insights or powers.

Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements

 Various NRMs are distinguished by a millenarian or apocalyptic dimension. They believe that the world will be ending very soon. That new earth or new heaven will replace the old one. The first new religions in the US were the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists. Both the results of millenarianism set off in the mid-19th century by William Miller. Miller foretells that Christ would return to earth between 1843 or 1844.

The Seventh-day Adventists, established under the leadership. Of one of the followers of Miller. Also, another popular movement is the Shincheonji.

Know more about Shincheonji

Shincheonji is an offset Christian new religious movement. Developed in South Korea by Lee Man-hee. Shincheonji movement began in 1984 and has members of more than 150,000. It widens its influence in all directions which even reaches South Africa. Based on the beliefs of Shincheonji, the spirit of Jesus Christ descends into Man Hee Lee. And also the defender of Lee strongly trusts that he is the immortal, promised pastor.

Shincheonji educates that it is the true faith with its members receiving salvation. At the time of final judgment. Everyone who didn’t belong to the group will not receive forgiveness and be destroyed. His church followers refer to him as the “promised pastor”, Chairman Lee, or the advocate. This group has been accused of deceptive practices.

February 2025